Saint Lukes (Cheshire) are a vivacious hospice and has added a Homeless-Friendly pledge to their superb work within their community. Take a look at St Luke’s Hospice Cheshire’s website and you will see how they bring life to all that they do – and that includes caring for those without a home St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice already runs “Hospice and Homeless – A Natural Collaboration” (see poster). And it has now become one of the first hospices in the UK to promise to examine its policies and procedures and make sure that they cater for rough sleepers, sofa surfers and anyone on the cusp of homelessness. Zahid Chauhan, founder of the Homeless-Friendly programme said: “One of the most tragic outcomes of #homelessness is the terrible health problems associated with it. St Luke’s is sending out a powerful message that their users will receive dignity – in a way they have been left sadly lacking in their life on the streets.” To become a Homeless Friendly pledger please email or telephone 0161 371 6165
Another wonderful Hospice evidences that they are indeed Homeless Friendly